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Child’s Play: What you need to know about pediatric physical therapy

Lots of issues bring children to a pediatric physical therapist, from developmental delays to “head tilt” (torticollis) to a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy or Down Syndrome. Pediatric physical therapists play a part in enabling children to live full lives by helping them build strength and balance. Here’s what parents and caregivers should look for in a productive pediatric physical therapy experience. [Read more]

The basic principles of physical therapy are applied consistently to people of all ages, but treating kids requires a special approach. To an adult, a PT might say, “give me 3 sets of 10 reps of this leg strengthening exercise,” but to a child, that doesn’t sound like much fun. Trained pediatric physical therapists know how to create an evidence-based plan of care that is both effective and engaging to a young person.

We begin by carefully evaluating our patients’ neuromuscular function, and we ask parents about how their child is getting along in his or her daily environments. Depending on the patient’s age, mobility and condition, we design a treatment plan that could include neuro-, ortho- aquatic or hippo therapy and other best practices.

On site, we use equipment and activities that look like fun, but that are actually proven strategies for achieving treatment goals. We might use therapy balls, platform swings, adaptive bikes, a jungle gym or a Wii. We might play basketball or kickball. We might place a child in front of a mirror and play tic-tac-toe with a dry erase marker as they balance on one foot. Each activity is an intervention proven to help pediatric strength, mobility and balance.

Sometimes children are scared and it’s hard to keep their attention. In such cases, we might invite a parent to act as lead therapist while we provide direction. Parents play a primary role in their child’s ongoing development, so this helps educate them as well.

In fact, a home therapy program is crucial to success. A good pediatric physical therapist will ask about a child’s living situation and daily routine and will adapt a treatment plan accordingly. A comprehensive plan of care will help pediatric patients improve their long term motor development, confidence and independence.


Our Pediatric therapists offer a range of services. Learn more about how they can maximize your child’s abilities, while minimizing the negative effects of their impairments.

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